Fethiye Attractions and places to visit in Oludeniz
Below you can find almost complet list of Fethiye attractions and Oludeniz attractions - places you should visit being on holidays in Fethiye, Oludeniz and Hisaronu. For more tourist information on each Fethiye attraction please click DETAILS. All mentioned Fethiye attractions are available for visit from Oludeniz and Fethiye - some as part of our guided tours and excursions and some you can visit yourself with a public transportation or by car rental. Absolutely true that all the mentioned Fethiye attractions and places to visit in Oludeniz are really Turkey main tourist attractions and they are worth to visit even if you are not on holidays in Oludeniz or Fethiye. The closest and most popular Fethiye attractions to Oludeniz are Saklikent gorge and Dalyan town with its amazing Iztuzu (turtle) beach.